Quick Checklist on How to Improve a Site in 5 Minutes

By January 6, 2016 Blog No Comments

What’s the use of creating a fabulous website if it does not perform according to your expectation? Usability of your website should attain all the necessary information that creates the possibility to make an interface so simple and spontaneous, so that people can navigate through your application without spending too much time figuring out the diverse functionalities of it.

ChecklistRemember the face of your business to the world is your website. Therefore it is very important to make it attractive as well as functional and easily accessible for you and your targeted audience. Modern technologies are rapidly changing the trends in consumers. Online purchases are increasing each year. Businesses that have both physical storefront and online presence have reportedly seen a growth of an average of 23%. So you can easily figure out why it is important for a business, small or global, to maintain a strong online presence.

Now let’s get to the point. You have a wonderful website that is not performing according to your expectations. What should you do to improve your website’s performance? Here’s a factsheet that will help you understand what’s going wrong with your website.

Grab a pen, paper and set a timer. Now answer these three questions. Remember, this is all about the first impressions; write the first thing comes to your mind. Your consumers don’t want to spend too much time analyzing your website. So, don’t over think things. That’s why we are setting a timer.

1. What’s the one thing you want your consumers to know when they first visit your site?
2. What’s the one thing you want them to feel about your website?
3. What’s the one thing you want them to do in your website?

Take your answers and open your website and check the following:

1. Is your website visually perfect?

The famous First Impression study of Google shows that a user judges the beauty of a website in 1/50th of a second. So, you must be able to figure out what clarity and simplicity mean for your website. Simplicity aids usability, improves aesthetics and also pleases the consumers. Here’s what you can do to make your site simpler yet appealing.

• Remove all the extra elements from the homepage. Eliminate all the unnecessary objects like search box, social icons, twin logos and everything you can. Even if it leaves you with an image and a line of test. Trust me; it’ll work just as fine.

• Create more white space for the users to feel relaxed at first sight. You can shove the extra elements that you still feel important below the fold. It will create an instant aesthetic appeal to your website.

• Try to stick to the basics. Make it simpler but familiar. People find familiar things more beautiful than the unfamiliar ones. Make your website like others. Remember that users are accustomed to see any website designed in a certain way, so don’t create any surprises for them. Mimic the conventional but improve the functionality by simplicity.

2. Does your website tell the consumers what they need to know on the home page without having to scroll down?

If the answer is no, then it’s high time you do something for your website. Many websites makes a tragic error by leaving off CTAs (call to action) on homepage. Remember the homepage is the most visited page of your website. This is where you can use the critical conversion potentials. To drive conversions to your homepage here’s some quick tips:

• Write a tagline that differentiates your business from others offering same service. This will serve as a prominent
headline that calls for action.
• Make the USP of your business a clear part of your homepage.
• Add categories to your top navigation for topics you want your consumers to know.
• Feature a large CTA button above the fold on the homepage.

3. Does your website navigate the consumer to exactly what you want them to do first?

If you give away too much information, it will make them only confused and they’ll click away. As for example, if you want them to sign up for emails, like you on Facebook, follow you on Twitter— pick any one, after they do it; then you can point them somewhere else. But don’t give all options at one go.

Time’s up. Your five minutes are over. You have just finished reviewing your website and positively got all the answers you were looking for to improve your website’s performance. Each of the elements is interconnected. The theory is, a simple website is more effective website; an effective website focuses on single action by reducing choices that increases conversions which feeds to the productivity of your site. If you follow this theory you will be on your way to establish yourself as a leader in the online space. Also remember to monitor your results, stay on top of the trends and update your site regularly.


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