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Social Media

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Social Media

[vc_column_text]Social Media

socialUnderstanding your potential customers and engaging with them on a consistent basis will not only grow your fan base but generate loyal advocates to your brand.
The good news? Through social media it’s easier than ever to have a conversation with your target audience through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other popular platforms. Providing a steady flow of engaging posts will help you build a solid fan base by providing useful advice, industry related updates as well as a chance to respond to those occasional, but valid concerns.

The bad news? Ignore this conversation and those valid concerns can escalate into bitter negativity toward your brand. It sounds easy enough. But the Internet never sleeps and monitoring and managing across all of the major social media platforms can be a full time job.


Strategically producing, publishing and amplifying targeted content on a continual basis is the key to generating compound growth in your traffic and leads.


Besides having an excellent looking website that is properly optimized and is easy to use, adding fresh and relevant content on a consistent basis is the real key to success. Everything else (social media, pay-per-click efforts, etc.) should focus around promoting your latest piece of resourceful content. The most popular websites today are the ones that are continually pumping out a ton of great content.

What Google says:

“Think about what makes your website UNIQUE, VALUABLE, or ENGAGING … webmasters can improve the rank of their sites by creating high-quality sites that users will WANT to use and share.” – Ref: Google’s WebMaster Guidelines[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]